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Anyone tried Splinter Cell (the full game)?


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I was thinking of buying this one, but I'm not sure. Is the game actually long? Or can you go through it in a couple of hours? (I heard there's no multiplyer, is this true?)


Is it fun overall? I don't really mind about how many guns you can have (I heard there are only like 3), but I must know if it has a good replay value (Rogue Spear had terrorist hunt mode after you completed the missions, is there something comparable in this one?)

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I got it for the Xbox. It's a great game! Good challenge. Yes, there's no multiplayer. Fair lenght and I think you can download new levels or something. It's more of a sneaky game, so there's not too many guns, ok two. Your pistol and sniper/assault rifle. Plenty of cool moves and gagets to evade your enemy with.Not much replay, unless you consider hard mode. Still, I highly recommend it! But, if your still unsure, rent it, if you have a Xbox, GCN or PS2!


8.8 out of 10

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I have the game for the XBox also. Its a fun challenge, it was the first stealth game I have played, especially on a console. There is no replay value after you finish the game, just play levels that you liked over again.


Overall, I really enjoyed the game, and the levels took me several tries to complete them. It was a fun game to me, I suggest picking it up if you liked the demo.

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I played the PC demo, and it's really cool. Like I said before, I don't mind about how many different guns you can have, since I always end up using the same in all the shooters I played.


However, buying a game with no replay-value for full price seems odd to me... I think I'll wait some more (maybe an x-pack with mp support?).


Thanks anyways guys.

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