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ok now that i am really close to buying SWG i would like to know a few things


1.ok firstly id like to know what serves are the best to play on (friendly wise)?

2.i have a geforce2 and am currently looking for a new one what are some recommendations and what are the prices

3.what is a good planet to start on?


ty in advance

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I play on Bria and its great, me and a few friends travel around the galaxy and people give us money to get to other planets when we need it. I say the people on the server are very friendly, there is the problem of lag in towns but its like that on any server your on. I have an ATI Radeon 9700 and its great, ATI is beter than Nvidia because Nvidia only makes the chips and sells tehm to other companies. ATI on the other hand makes their own chips and boards so there is more compatability. Theed, Naboo is a good Planet/Town to start on.


Hopes this helps.

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if you can't afford the ATI 9700 (i know i can't) you might also consider the ATI 9600pro, which is around $160 right now, and considered best bang for the buck, and outperforms an nvidia 5600FX in most situations.


i run it on a GeForce4MX 440, and it works just fine. if cost is still an issue, you can get an nvidia 5200FX for under $100 and it'll probably still be a step up from your GeForce2, and you'll get directx9 support, but i'm not sure how much SWG makes use of that.


and i play on wanderhome, and so far it's been a good server, relatively stable (only one rollback, ugh), and the people are generally very nice and helpful.


good luck!

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