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Any way to get scout exp with out creature havesting


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I was just wondering wether there is a way to get scout exp besides creature havesting. This takes way to long and i was hoping that there was some other way. If not its gana take a while for me to get to CH. Also if there isnt were is a good place to get scout exp. Im on corellia, coronet, and i get about 50-70 exp per creature.

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You can get XP by doing /maskscent...but not alot...


However, spend your money on a good gun...the scout blasters are great. Then it is SOOOO much easier to get XP.


I was only on Hunting III after 3 weeks of playing...then the gun...BOOM!


I'm at CH within the next week.


Send me a PM for more info.

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DUde Hunting III after 3 weeks of playing. I was Explore IV and Hunting II in less than a week, I am almost Hunting IV now and im trapping and gaing carbine and survival xp. Thats sad it took you 3 weeks. But I agree a better gun makes it easier to gain xp becasue it kills faster.

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Well i have a kick ass scout blaster not shure of the exact mods but here are the rough mods

70+-160+ dmg

1.6 attack speed

18 % chance to wound

and i forget the other mods. Its sliced.

Were did you hunt, i know the bigger creatures give better exp, but on corellia bout the only place with big creatures are in the swamp, and holy crap did i get owned there. I tryed to harvest the tusken banthas or w/e. But i only got to one of them, it gave me about 200 exp. But after the rest of the day playing i didnt get one again, to many other people there. Im on hunting 3 right now, i wana get that before i try to get the other one required for CH, because i figure that one will go faster with better harvesting skills. Also if i get hunting first i can get Bio eng faster.

Also it was one week for me yesterday, and i have pistol rifel and carbine 3 along with suppor 2, organic 3 and all of the scout skills atleast 2 lvl 1. I was going for BH but i decided to do a complete turn around in career. So i surrendered all my skills just about, except pistol skills and the neccessary scout skills for CH and Bio eng, and to make a tent.

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Originally posted by typholuka

Well....I have a life outside the game ya know...


I only play a bit each day...


And I am concentrating on Medic...

Life what is this thing you call a life... lol

Yeah i know what thats like, i had one, untill this damn game intered my life. Im contimplating wether to get on Swg or stay on msn and talk to my Girlfriend right now... Wow im really sad....

*beats self over the head and remembers"Girlfriend is better then a game... MCUH BETTER"* lol

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