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*** Recruiting Now The Corellian Alliance ***

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Join the CA of Starsider Server Now!


About the Corellian Alliance:


Welcome to the Corellian Alliance! We are a association for all races. We fight for the Rebels and dispise the Empire. We respect all kinds of people and creatures. We even are in the process of building a city named Sha'Dawn. It is a beutiful port city on the Starsider Server. We have a city called Sha'Dawn. We are RECRUITING anyone who wants to join. We are in the process of building an amazing web page. Our beutiful plant is Corellia! AGAIN WELCOME!







To do this go to the PA Database on the http://www.SWGalaxies.net web page and look up Corellian Alliance ( its on the 2nd page of the database). Then goto our forums and goto the Recruitment Request thread and read what to do then POST.



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