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Radio Shack (Tower) Level 2

Guest montrealtigger

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Guest montrealtigger

I do notice that everyone explains at different ways. I must say what I do:


I check on default on run "Forward" don't need with "Shift". It is automatically done.


Where must I be on the left or right corner of the ledge?


Then, Where must I run/jump to the left or right tower? Some people said that must be the right tower?


Am I right? First, Jones must be at the left corner of the ledge then he runs"Forward" then jumps"ALT" at the same time "Forward". Jones jumps toward the right tower.. However, he falls off the tower and he gets hurt under the health shows! It s strange! Maybe, my CD-ROM is not working? or anbody can give some feedback if I am wrong?


After Run/Jump to the tower, Must I do any key such as "Ctrl" or else??



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Sounds like you're doing it right. It took me forever too, then someone told me to jump to the far right side of the tower and I did it on the first try! Walk up to ledge and get as close as you can, then back up about 10 paces and make a run for it. Game gets a bit easier after this point.

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I'm having the same problem as you. I start at the back left corner and run towards the far right and jump. Indy then bounces off the wall and gets hurt.

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You need to actually line up on right side not the left side. It will seem not quite right, however once Indy makes the jump, he seems to get a bit of a boost....

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