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im not sure where to post this.. becuase it doesnt excatly fit in any forum.. so ill post it here


i was wondering if id be gimping myself by going


Master Medic

Master Combat Medic


-Master One hand Brawler


- Rifle Specialist

-Pistol Specialist



Im hoping to do lost of PvP , but also lots of PvE raids , any ideas/help would be nice :D

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id say u need to relook at what professions uv chosen. combat medic needs a good amount of mind, but u also want to be a brawler. brawlers tank alot and need alot of health and action. yes, ud be gimping urself if u chose both because one isnt going to be as effective as u want it to be. and honestly, being a pistoleer my comment is somewhat biased, i think that the pistol is superior to the sword or any unarmed profession. if u got a good pistol at ur side, then ur set. one more thing, a medic needs to stay back from the fighting a little becuase they r pretty important. if ur in the front tanking, ull have a harder time healing others in a fight. and if u get incapped, or killed, then the rest of the team just lost some valuable last minute heals. since a medic should be a little behind the front line--not counting brawlers--id say go with a longer ranged pistol, have it sliced and do damage. or a laster carbine is also a nice weapon since it can penetrate level 2 (i think) armor. give it a little more thought.. and good luck.

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This is not a game that someone can be "UBER" and beyond the need of others this game is based on relying on others, so create your character the way you want to and don't worry about trying to be the best uber character you can be, because there is no such thing, every event is circumstancial and there is no such thing as a gimped character in a ROLEPLAYING game. Everyone can contribute to the game no matter what their skills.

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i am not trying to be uber in any way , i just want to be able to stand a chance at PvP and PvE , ok , i re configured my stuff and this is what i came up with (tell me if id be better to do this)


Brawler Master one hand sword


-Master rifle specialist

-Master pistol Specialist

-master Ranged Weapon Ability Specialist

Master Medic

Master Comabat Medic


-master pistol tactics (or should i go another pistoleer dicipline instead of this? )


what do you think ?

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