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Level 2 Radio Tower!!!!

Guest Flo

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I know many people have written about difficulties with this jump. I have read them all and tried everything that was suggested. I'm still not there!!!! This is suppose to be fun isn't it!!!!

Would someone please, one more time, try to explain what I have to do to make this jump. I have tried jumping to the right - should it be right corner of the building itself or the right side of the opening on the building?


Signed, Totally Frustrated!


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Guest montrealtigger

I already had this problem.. Someone gave me a great hint.. You should adjust to the right side of tower (Not the right corner of tower) It is silly. You must close as possible then back up about 6 steps. Then, you run/jump to the right side.


Good luck!


P.S I had frustrated but it was finally done.

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YEP! Run from the top of the cliff and jump onto an area around the right corner of the platform. You might want to cap off the Russians patroling the area first. Makes it easier. Do a running jump, Indy will grab the platform and you can then pull yourself up.





Fear is the path to the darkside.


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