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i have had enough


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dude, dont waste your time. that is a perfectly acceptable card. there's a mindset in gaming that says the video card is everything. well, im sorry to tell you, it aint. any computer is only going to go as fast as the slowest component. so while you may have a fabulous card, the real work is done in the system memory, and that component tells the vid card what to do. if that's not working fast enough, nothing else matters. and if the information coming across the wires is nto coming in quickly enough or is overwhelming, then that will kill your framerates as well. alot of people also forget thaty the condition of the disk is key as well. have you ever noticed that changing planets or dying or any major change in scenery produces some serious disk activty? if the disk needs to be defragmented this is complicated even further.



so dont blow your time and money by slapping different hardware at every performance problem. get a bud with decent computer skills and look for real bottlenecks. a well maintained machine will outperform at stat monster that hssnt been cleaned up in months. remember that.

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I completely agree....that card you bought is superb i wish i could afford such a toy hehe.


I run a system with these specs (see below) and I get max FSP that SWG allows 29fps, and when im loading a city i drop down to 15-20fps. You just have to know how to tweak and set the card up. Just because you bought new hardware doesnt mean you will get the best, you need to know what you are doing. Make sure to defrag, do you have enough memory, what is you CPU. These are all if not more important but as important to buyin a new video card. A computer contains a lot of components and unless you know how to use them all and set them up to live together then you are gonna be one unhappy camper. I use a pretty old GeForce card, and still i run the game at the highest resolution possible and all SWG goodies turned on. However, i know that tweakin certain video settings in Windows is what gave me the performace I have.


1) Defrag

2) How much memory you have

3) What is the size of your Swap File? and what disk is it on (it should be double the size of how much memory you have in your system)

4) Do you have anti aliasing turned off, along with any of the other junk that gets turned on as default?

5) What CPU do you have?




Here are my system specs just so y ou can see how everything isnt dependent on one single compenent. Some say 758mb of RAM is needed to play this game happily. I agree, i have 512 (which i think should be the min) and i run the game perfectly, load everything fast and dont lose too many fps when im moving into a city.


P4C 2.4Ghz @ 3.26Ghz

512mb PC3500 @ 434Mhz

3DProphet III GeForce 3

180gb HD 7200rpm 8mb cache (for OS and games)

60gb HD 7200rpm 2mb cache (for swap file and movies)

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i'll do ya one better.


when i have a decent connection, out in the wilderness areas, i get my normal 29 fps with the following specs (you should know this is a laptop, btw)


p4 2.4

384ddr (make good note of that)

40 gig

radeon mobility 7500 (32meg make note of THAT)

swap 1.5x mem


normally i am not the kind that will break out his specs to impress. but we're talking comparative percieved performance here, and we have 3 different machines, so we should all know where each of us are standing.


find a good buddy with decent computer skills. he'll hook you right up if he has half a brain.

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Originally posted by matsui

i'll do ya one better.


when i have a decent connection, out in the wilderness areas, i get my normal 29 fps with the following specs (you should know this is a laptop, btw)


p4 2.4

384ddr (make good note of that)

40 gig

radeon mobility 7500 (32meg make note of THAT)

swap 1.5x mem


normally i am not the kind that will break out his specs to impress. but we're talking comparative percieved performance here, and we have 3 different machines, so we should all know where each of us are standing.


find a good buddy with decent computer skills. he'll hook you right up if he has half a brain.


Agreed, as long as the original poster realizes that this upgrade of a video card will not fix all his problems then thats what i want. I hope he finds someone that know what he is doing.


P.S matsui do u run at highest resolution?, nice comp by the way, where u get the laptop (i just got a very nice system for my younger sister who is goin to start fresman year of college)

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to tell you the truth i left the res at the default, what ever that is. i have never been all that visually acute, realistically i cant tell much of a difference between the higher res's. so default in games is usually good enough for me.


my machine is a dell inspiron 5100, got it back in march, and the only reason i got it was an interest free loan from work. would never have been able to afford it otherwise. but it only came out to like 1242, something sickly low like that.


overall im a bit of a cheapskate, i hate to see people throw money at an issue when it's knowledge they need. also, it's easy to be a cheapskate in computing when you've been a tech 5 years. started out as a sysadmin, but when the company folded i became a heldesk analyst. so in depth knowledge is in aboundance with all my buds.

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I completely agree with the comment that what ppl need is knowledge not just upgrades. I read a lot of message boards and too often i feel like the majority of ppl just dont know enough. I guess being a self titled Techie myself is what makes me view it that way, but I guess in the department of say cars im a complete n00b so it balances out.


Oh i saw you are from Connecticut, me too i work over at sikorsky aircraft in stratford, but live down in Westbrook (go to college up in amherst, MA). Where are you from exactly? Just interested, i have found a lot of CT ppl here on this board for some reason.

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ok, thanks that rea assured me, but if i bought a stick of 512 ram, to boost my ram to 768, woudl that healp alot? is there a limit of how much ram i can put in my pc? how cna i find this out? also please tell me how/a site to tweak a geforce 5600 fx...im not good with computers...sorry and onces its tweaked, will swgalaxies run better?

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honestly, the fx5600 shouldn't need too much tweaking. most of the posts i've seen about slowdowns has been due to system memory. the game says "minimum 256, recommended 512". well, i have 512, and it STILL slows down in the cities. i can hear the swapfile action on the hard drive, that's how i know it's not the video card (a 64MB geforce4 MX).


my friends both have a gig of RAM (two 512MB sticks) and they NEVER experience slowdowns. so, my general advice is spend $40 to $80 and throw another 256 to 512 meg into the system. a lot cheaper than buying video cards. check the manual on your motherboard to see what the max it can take is.


if you're still looking to tweak your video card, there's a site called omega drivers http://www.omegadrivers.com that has 3rd party drivers for ATI and Nvidia video cards, and they offer some pretty decent performance over the 'official' drivers. a lot of hardware review sites use these drivers to get the best performance when benchmarking video cards. that's how i heard of them.

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wow thats so weird, how old are ya? If ya dont mind me asking. Thats friggin weird you work for basically the same company (UTC) and you live right next to me, its kind of scary. I live down near the YMCA and State Police in Westbrook. Sorry this is just boggling my mind.


Lol im lookin at the help desk number right here on my computer...heheh so basically thats just weird to the max. CSC Go Ahead were listening. thats the motto on this sticker on my comp hehe.


What server do u play on? Im on Valcyn



EDIT: Ya so headin home now to play some SWG hehe, laterz

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Originally posted by matsui

DUDE! im gettin worried here :-) until last summer i lived on MInK ROCK CIRCLE!


if this is rick dalton i'll drop a cow.





No this is not Rick Dalton, but the weird factor here is very high. I dunno even how to respond hehe. Guess just chalk it up as a huge coincidence(sp?). I live on Plymouth Road right now.


*tries to un-boggle mind*

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