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Help me pls

Guest Calvin

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Guest Calvin

I got the first part of infernal machine .

afterthat , I can find the way out of that place .

A huge ice monster is hanging on the wall and an exit( I think it is the on;y way out ) is full of ice . I can't get out there .

Please help me pls .

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Guest bonnie


you have to get the machine part, and THEN

you have to kill the monster.


if you look up you'll see running jump or

walkways that you have to go around.


so, you (from the entry ramp) have to go

to the left, and through the left door..

up the ramp and climb, and MOVE THE BLOCK:


After that, I think you slide down again

to the between buildings,


2_| |_ 3


1_| |_ 4



anyway, so 1 is where you move the block,

2 is where you have to go up and around,

and then over to 4, and then 3 is where you

find the machine part (after a whipswing)


save a lot.



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Guest bonnie


sorry, misunderstood when I first posted,

you have to kill the monster to crack the

exit (but don't you have ONE machine part

already? I remember that from the very first

level. You need to get the one from here, and kill the icebag WITH it.



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