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New and Confused!


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Ok, I managed to get through the tutorial without too many problems but when I got to Naboo I think it was, I had no idea what to do. There were few people around, everything around me killed me fast and I was incapacitated often (I was a brawler) and the few missions I managed to do were rather boring.


This game seems fun but I have a few basic questions:


1.) What servers are usually most populated? I love to group with people and thats hard when there are 1 or 2 people around ONLY.


2.) What towns and cities and stuff are most populated? Same reason as above.


3.) I want to be able to tame animals, what would I do to be able to do that? What skills do I need and wheres a good place to start?


Thanks for your help, I may have more questions later. :p

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Welcome to Star Wars galaxies! I know what it feels like to be new, beacuse i still am :-).

Anway, I answered my questions to the best of my ability...


1) You have to think when to go on, say 8am-7/8/9pm prob isnt too populated, because of work and school.


2) Tatooine is without a doubt the most popular planet, probably because so much happens there in the film(s)...


3)Not too sure about this...you have to become a creature handler...check your holocron maybe?? (Ctrl+H)


Good luck

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i havent been checking around various servers but tattooine on all of them is the big spot to be. but corellia is nice....



creature handling.....you must pick up the scout skill first and harvest everythign you possibly can form ever single creature you kill. this will get you the kind of xp you need to move up to creature handler.

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