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Imperial Commandos

Mauler Mithel

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Originally posted by Kurgan

True. I would find it odd if the entire Imperial army was limited to operating on the Death Stars (the first Death Star supposedly had only a million personel on board) with the other 1% as TIE Pilots (how many TIEs does the Empire have? thousands? tens of thousands? hundreds of thousands? millions?).


I would think if anything, the Commandos would be more numerous than the Stormtroopers (1.2 million Clonetroopers in AOTC always struck me as a pretty measly force for a Galactic army), though most of them might simply be on board Star Destroyers, with plenty on the Death Stars and SSD's of course, hence the nickname "Naval Troopers."


Though we did see some on the Endor surface, so they can't just be for ship security.


Now I am confused. Your post doesn't seem to relate at all to what I just sayed.


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It was more in response to the statement you made right before your last post (the one about George Lucas "not being able to make up his mind").


I thought it would be odd if the entire Imperial Army (ie: the Imperial Commandos/Naval Troopers) were composed of Death Star Gunners (ie: they would be on the Death Stars right?) and TIE Pilots. Obviously we've seen them elsewhere, so they must be doing something right?


If the vast majority of personel in the Empire's armed forces are Commandos, you'd think they'd have other duties. Originally we all assumed the Stormtroopers were the most numerous, but now it seems (at least to me) George doesn't intend for us to think that. Hopefully Episode III will help clear this up.

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Well, Stormtroopers were the most plentiful force of the Empire, and when you enlist in the Empire you start out as a Stormtrooper. Navy Troopers were elite troopers that were picked from the Stormtrooper ranks by Grand Moff Tarken. We saw very few of anything except Stormtroopers in the movies, the Death Star Gunners were only seen on the Death Stars, the Navy Troopers as you said, had boring guard duty on the ships and were also in the Endor Bunker managing the shield controls, and TIE Fighter Pilots were only seen in their ships and briefly evacuating the 2nd Death Star. George probably did intend on Stormtroopers being the regular cannon-fodder forces of the Empire.


Now back to the other issue of what their health would be in the game, the commandos probably do wear some armor under their uniform since they are technically a defence unit unlike the Imperial Officers who are not meant for fighting. (when Han, Luke, & Chewie got into the detention block in Stormtrooper armor, the officer had to reach for a stowed weapon while the Navy Troopers had them out in their hands. I was kind of disapointed that there were no Scout Troopers or AT-AT Pilots in the game like there was in MotS.


****JA SPOILER****



Since JA goes to Hoth, there will be Snowtroopers, maybe AT-AT Pilots, but maybe not since I haven't seen them or AT-ATs in the game. Scout Troopers are unlikely too since I haven't seen any of them, but there are special Hoth Scout Troopers shown in the vehicle cross-sections book, but it's unlikely they will be in JA.


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I just found out some info on their role in JA.


















They have been upgraded to an imperial officer with a cloaking device, I'm kinda disapointed though because of the title and uniform change.


[ I just showed people how to use spoiler tags. But do they listen? noooooo... ]

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