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lucasarts games

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Does anyone else here notice that none of the games coming out lately from our beloved creators has had NOTHING to satisfy the craving of a good, old-fashioned witty adventure game? everything lately seems to have been made up of about 95- 100 percent shooter. I am getting very depressed that they are not churning them out like they used to and I am forced to make my own games and play other fan made games. alas, for the days of CMI and Grim Fandango...:manny:

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Hey 3headedmonkey89, did you notice that about 95% of the gaming community prefer shooter games and the adventure gaming community is very very small.


LucasArts are making Sam and Max 2 and will probably announce MI5 within the next 2 years - there's something to look forward to :) Grim Fandango 2 will hopefully be made sometime

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well thats why i complained here, in an adventure gaming-friendly area, instead of at a shooting game forum where i would have been mobbed to death! lol. thanks for the info anyway, mymipage. I may sound stupid but i just cant find other games to be at all near the fun you get from adventure games.

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Originally posted by mymipage

Grim Fandango 2 will hopefully be made sometime


Yeah, but that doesn't neccessarly mean anything good. Reconsidering what LucasArts made out of Full Throotle 2 I just hope Grim Fandango 2 won't be some random scyth-slasher-action-game.



P.S.: Actually scyth-slasher-action-game doesn't sound all that bad. Go for it, LEC!

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