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Can someone please explain the Bounty Hunter Investigation Problem Please...


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Alright, just about everywhere I go I hear BH's talking about how investigation is messed up and it's better to stay with no investigation skill. Yet, I see investigators running around everywhere. I'm on Bria by the way. So will someone please explain to me what the problem is. And if possible, just explain the whole bounty hunting NPC process with droids. I have no levels of investigation, I just use the informant, although I do have enough for investigation 1, I want to know the pros and cons of this whole mess. So will someone please explain this to me, thank you in advance.

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Investigator is the title you receive after completing the Carbine tree. What's wrong with Investigation? Read:


-Possibiliy of arriving at a white mark (not able to attack, or anything)

-Acquiring droids (DEs have no choice but to sell them at high prices due to needed resources)

-Losing money doing missions

-Mission time (30-60 minutes, added to the possibility of there being a white mark)

-Mission experience (for the time and money spent, we only get a wee bit of experience)


I believe that sums it up for our profession, anyone care to add anything more?

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