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Custom Saber issues.


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Firstly, let me apologize if this has been done a million times, I ran a search beforehand and it came up empty.


You see, I made this custom Exar Kun hilt for use in game, following this tutorial. Well, I can get it ingame ok, but this is what happens:




I am at a loss as to what to do. I sent an email to the fella who wrote that tutorial, but I figure that posting here would be a good idea as well. If any of you could help me out, point me in the direction of a different/better tutorial, I would greatly appreciate it.

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Ok, so I managed to get the blade to emit properly, the guy who wrote the tutorial had me orienting it incorrectly.


Only now, it's still floating about 2 feet out from my body, so my new question is, how do I move the origins?

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Ohhhh k.


So everything's ok with the saber now, it's ingame and working correctly. But I have, yet again, ran into a wall. Md3view has, for whatever reason, decided that it's not going to run at all on my computer anymore. It just crashes, without ever starting up.


Basically, Windows comes up with the usual "error reporting" ****e, every time. I've deleted and reinstalled it too, to no avail.



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No, not blue screening. I double click the icon, it starts to load, but nothing comes up until the "Please report this to Microsoft" window. :/ It worked just fine up until I made that post, and it's still not working right.

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