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Daily morning updates!


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Will they EVER change the time they do this?!? I work nights and get home at about 5:45cst, I get 15 minutes in then it blinks out.


This is my prime gaming time! Whole family is asleep, and here I sit, wating anywhere from 20 to 60 minutes to get back up.


Will this stop in the future? I can understand the need for updates, obviously, but EVERY day?

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The thing I don't understand is why they do all servers at the same time. I know they need to do this early in the morning but why can't they do just a few at a time. I know everyone has characters on other servers. That way we could always play. Might not be the character you want to work on but at least you would be able to play.

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yeah, i hate the morning downtime, too. best time for me to play is from 5 to 7am cst (get up early for work, wife is asleep), but i start getting the 'server going down' messages (tons of them) after 1/2 an hour, and then when they do go down, it's usually at least an hour before they come back up.


considering some servers are east coast, some are west, you think they'd do them independently. maybe in the future they'll change it, but i'm sure they do it this way because it's just easier for them.


i've also noticed that my 2nd choice server (my weaker character) comes up anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes sooner than my primary server. in fact, morning downtime is the only reason i even HAVE a 2nd character.


i know they can't please everyone, so i'm not really expecting them to change their schedule to suit me...but i still wonder if they've actually done any statistical analysis of server usage to determine if this is really the optimal time to perform this maintenance.

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I'm in the same boat, I work from 7pm to 6am and as soon as I get home and try to unwind before bed the servers go down. This is especially frustrating for me because my job is server support, and the reason my hours are so crappy is because we do our maintenance and updates at 2am or 3am... when nobody is up!

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doesnt YOUR machine need maintenace? upgrades? defraggin the hard drive? now think about backups, disaster recovery implementation, antivirus, security, and note that this is all aside from the actual maintenace and updates to the software, that is , the game database, the gaming code, the networking code, and more than i can write quickly.


think of everything you have ever hads to do to your machine to keep it running and then multiply by the thousands of users PER SERVER. that begins to show what needs to be done everynight.


especially backup--how would you like a crash and suddenly, you have no more character? enterprise level computing is so far beyond the average desktop in the home, many people have no idea.

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You think its bad for you, im in the uk and the servers go down here at midday!


but thats life and SWG is a great game, so i dont mid putting up with it.


i USE play neocon before and they use to do there updates weekly, i have a 56k modem so i prefer them daily (because it doesnt take as long)


: )


Tage (bloodfin)

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