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How does everyone else feel?


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Well I don't get to see most of you because, although I started on Starsider, I switched to Naritus because the server was down all the time for me.


So Kra'sko Goorka is a CH/Carbineer alive and kicking on Naritus (there is also a Krasko Goorka on Starsider, but I have not used him since I switched).


I must say that although this game is visually better than I expected, I am quite disappointed with the release, the bugs and obviously in my case the Profession problems. Before it even starts, I never thought a Novice CH should ever have a Rancor out but if you are not a CH you might not understand all the other problems involved with the profession. The Non-CH with pets thing bothers me too, not that they have pets but that they have the Exact same pets that a Novice CH can have, and since they can buy them from a Master CH, they are more poserful than a what a Novice can make for him/herself. As a Carbineer I would be pretty upset if a Architect/Doctor could use Action Shot 2 and Burst shot on me without putting any skill points towards it.


This is not to say that my profession is the only one with problems, but there are also many bugs that I keep running into that really are disturbing me. Broken missions really tick me off, nothing like travelling around for an hour to get no reward or satisfaction from doing a mission. And, what is the deal with melee NPC's warping right next to you, out of the blue, when I posture changed them 40m away.


All in all, this game definately has possibilities and I hope it gets there soon. The reality of it all is though, that right now I am paying a monthly fee to beta test a game, and if it keeps up I honestly cannot make a good argument to stay online. The reason I made this post is to see what my friends from here are feeling as well. I have been thinking about going back to Starsider and restarting my character, in the hopes that by the time I get him to the level he is on Naritus the bugs will be fixed. But to be honsest, if I do stay I will wait until the next, new server comes online and create Kra'sko there, that way I get a totally fresh start and be competative with everyone else on the server. It is good to finally be back stateside and hope to see you all in game soon.


Tell me what you think...


Kryme :mob:

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Last night I was on my way to the rebel base on Corellia and all the sudden I had mottled wrix all around me. There were 6 of them that popped up all at once and they were all about 10 meters away from me. Thank God I still had my burst run so I got away but that just should not happen. I have also got a few missions and went to the waypoint and the nest/creatures never spawned. I can stand in the middle of the waypoint and nothing. So I ran away and did my other mission and came back and still nothing. I also hate it when the waypoints move and it seems like this happens with every mission. But even with all the problems I still love the game and will continue to pay.

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The mission bugs like that are problems, definately, but I am even more ticked off with the NPC missions out in the middle of nowhere, that end up just being a big waste of time....


Still I swore to give this game some time, because in another month it could be a lot closer to where int need to be. I will agree though that newly spawning creatures should have a timer on them before they go active. Ie a 15 second timer for a spaning "red" (aggro creature) where it will not attack in that time limit. It will attack if attacked first, or aggro on a attacker of a fellow creature, but some of these Artisan missions are getting people killed in the exact way you describe Diables.


"Why are all the aggro MOBs, camped right outside the door of my house?"

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Diables: I know what you're talking about with the critters spawning out of nowhere. Also, I had a mission spawn INSIDE some guy's house and it was LOCKED so I had to abort the mission.


As for graphics, I was amazed at first, but now I am convinced this game has no z-plane! That's why I'm able to stroll straight up the waterfall near Theed, why I'm able to shoot through mountains, and why I'm not able to jump or fall. I hope the space expansion has a z-plane! 3-d means forward/backward, left/right/ up/down, doesn't it?


Still having fun though :D

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