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Please Help a newbie


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Hi Everyone,


I have a problem i have been playing SWG for a week now, but lately it has been crashing and disconecting me, at first i thought it was my modem i have a 56 connection but from what i have read here that should not be a problem.


My computer


P4 2.4 GHZ

512 megs RAM

GEForce 4 64MEGS MX440


Now i'm thinking it could be the RAM?..but my boyfriend has the same amount of Ram has me with and P3 800 and he has no problems at all.


I have checked for viruses and found nothing, i have scanned disk and fixed the errors the only thing i have left to try is defrag.


Anyways if anyone has any other suggestions i would greatly appreciate it because i am getting very frustrated.


Thank you soo much in advance.


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