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Indy jump in level 6

Guest LH

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Here's a hint for all I-don't-want-to-waste-medikits-until-it's-absolutely-necessary purists (like me smile.gif).


The last treasure on level 6 (Palawan Volcano) can be found in a huge lava-filled room with two large pillars and a floor which collapses as soon as you enter the room. After you've grabbed the treasure and jumped back to the first pillar, you'd normally hang down and drop to the ledge below, to push the button there. This is the way it is described in most walkthroughs, and how most people probably have done it.


However, you WILL get hurt when you drop, and I simply didn't want to lose health points just to get that stupid treasure, so I searched for a way to get to the lower ledge without having to drop from above, and I found one. Here it is:


Walk into the room from the RIGHT side, and first go a few steps straight into the room before turning left to face the pillar which you will climb up. The room has been designed that if you enter it this way, exactly ONE piece of floor on the LEFT side of the entrance will keep intact for later use. Now, climb up the pillar, run and jump to the other pillar, grab the treasure and jump back to the first pillar.


Now it gets difficult. Turn around so that you face the entrance to the room. If you've entered the room the right way, you'll see the one floor plate which has not (yet) crashed down. Run and jump to that plate, then QUICKLY turn around, and run and jump to the lower ledge of the pillar. Additionally, on your way down to the ledge you will have to "bump" the pillar or else the jump is too far and you'll get hurt when you land.


This jump is EXTREMELY difficult and I'm sure that even if you're good at the game controls you'll have to try this a few times. Your reward is staying at 100% health, however smile.gif.


I have created an MPEG video of the jump (620K) which can be downloaded here: http://home.t-online.de/home/lars.hederer/indyjump.mpg


[This message has been edited by LH (edited January 05, 2000).]

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Guest Damian

Hey that's pretty slick. What did you use to create the video?





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