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My Laser Carbine is GONE...Help!


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So I have / had this great laser carbine and I was using all the time. I exited the game last night with it. When I logged in today it was gone!!! I logged back in a few times and no deal, it's gone. I sent a customer service request, is this the only way to get it back? How long does it usually take? Thanks for the advice.



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It's probably just gone forever. I have lost a house, a rancor, and my sliced EE3. All have been gone over 3 weeks. I sent tickets on all of them and no replies except on the rancor. They said it 'should' be back in a few days......19 days ago.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had lost several items ahwile ago, I sent a ticket. a few days later some of the items reappeared one day in my inventory except a probot droid that i paid 25k for. I left the ticket open, a few weeks later someone came up to me in game about the missing items. I told him they all returned except the probot.

He said he could not replace the bot but he gave me my money back and I was more than happy :)


So keep the faith, almost everyone has lost an item on every server so they must see to everyone. It does take ahwile but you will get your stuff back

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