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Unable To Log On To Swg???


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This is the first time I have ever had this problem. Today, I tried logging on to SWG and when I entered my password everything goes as usual. After the first 3 screens of the game pop up and it goes to the screen where you can select which character you want to play as it never goes pass that. I get the little box that pops up saying connecting to server. This is the box I get everytime; however, usually it moves pass this point to eventually load the game. It has not been doing this. It just stays on that screen and the load bar in the "connecting to server" box continues to load and nothing ever happens.


Has anyone had any sort of problem similar to this???


Please leave any responses that may help me in this matter. I am on the Scylla server and it has said ever since I have been having this problem that all servers are up.


Why does it seem like its always something with this game? Never in my life have I played a game with so many problems.


Im tempted to start playing Diablo, Warcraft, and Counter Strike again so I dont have to worry about all of this crap =(


Any responses would be appreciated.



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I have a problem logging on too. Mine is a little differnt thought, cause i registered like a month ago but I didn't sign up for an account (I.E. didn't pay). I didn't do this cause I had dial up at home, but now that I am at school and have T3 I want to play. When i go to try and sign in it tells me that I have to start a new account. In order to start a new account it says that I have to put in the CD-Key. Since I registered a month ago it says that my CD-Key is already registered. So I am unable to sign up for Galaxies. Anyone know what I should do? :confused:

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