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Level 3 Guard Shack

Guest Bill&Lisa

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Guest Bill&Lisa

I have been jumping from the high cliffs at the guard shack for 3 days! It is rediculous that it would require such precision jumping to be successful. Is there some trick to this? Is there another way to get into the shack? Is this some known bug? Does anyone have a save game with them standing on the Guard shack? Please help. I am starting to become turned off on the game.

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I'm sorry I cant remember where you are? please be a bit more Discriptive about the area and I'm sure I can HELP! You have to keep playing the game! it gets soooo good I love it

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Guest squirrel_pr

I'm also having the same problem. Here is more details.


I have been trying to make the jump for a few days now and I just can't seem to get enough speed/timing to make the jump. I always end up at the bottom behind the shack.


The problem is in the Tian Shan River scenario.


The walkthrough says, "7. Pay attention to the tower during the animation. As the camera pans by look to make sure the guard is gone. If he's not you can always shoot him. After the animation ends, you can run/jump/grab the edge of the tower and pull yourself up. The guards may shoot at you while you're on the walkway, but if you stay as far as you can towards the inside of the walkway the shots always miss. "


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Guest Bill&Lisa

I am at the first guard tower in level 3. I have killed all the guards and raised the border crossing gate for no apparent reason. The river is to my left when I am standing overlooking the guard shack. I have tried the running jump for days (and the mysterious Ctrl key has no affect). Please help.

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Guest Bill&Lisa

I think I found a bug. I tried to do this jump before I killed the guards (I restarted Level 3) and I make it the first time everytime! I go back to where I've killed the guards already and I just continue to bounce off.



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Guest squirrel_pr

I also found the same problem. I restarted level 3 and once I got to the tower, I only shot 1 guard in the tower, jumped on the tower and then shot the guard patrolling on the ground.


Sounds buggy to me.

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