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Meroe fires? What fires?

Guest Wheels

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I have managed to blow up the shed, got all parts from in there got the watch for the boy and got the eye from the mine from him But was unable to get the wheel from the broken minecart. It seems no matter where I stand, Indy just says something about being able to salvage something from it.


Also I cannot seem to get past this spot after you've been in the tomb with all the skeletons (would have thought there was treasure in there for sure) and you make this incredibly long jump to push a button that lifts the big chunk of wall that is timed and comes crashing back down after about 15 seconds. I pulled out the block to keep that wall from coming all the way back down and now the map hint shows that I need to get to a point right above that wall. Can't reach it with a jump, see no whippables and the wall does not appear to be climbable. HELP! I've been stuck here for 2 days I need to get out so I can finish the game so I can sleep at night!!

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i don't know what's wrong with your wheel - i just took it.....


once you pulled the boulder and the timed wall lays on it, climb up one level. turn right so you face the wall. jump to reach a small ledge. shimmy right until you reach the path on the other side of the gap (above the button)...


check also www.cyberjunkie.com/rayon



[This message has been edited by rayon (edited January 10, 2000).]

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