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Regarding houses


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This Message is a question i have regarding building a house in the game.(there are no game cards so i wouldnt know) Anyways

When a house is being built do you wait for a meter to fill up or do you the builder(artisan) have to manually put the beams and stuff down.I'm gonan be an artisan when i can actually play this game so i wanna know off the bat to save time.


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If you are building the house you simply put the required components in the crafter, pictures are provided for those in need :p , the components you have available for use from your inventory are pictured right beside those needed, simple. Combine. Product is a deed for the house you just assembled. Simply head out of town a good distance, it will tell you if your still in a no build zone so dont worry. Simply use the deed by using the radial menu (left click and hold) and another window will open showing a grid of the area, position the structure anywhere it shows green, yellow and red areas are not acceptable. If you don't get this grid map then go further. Sometimes try more than once also, seems a little buggy yet.


Cleopatraa Tar'Tareen

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