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The new patch, and its adverse effects


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I would just like to poll other people's opinions about the new patch, and its setbacks. I am an artesian on Kor Vella. I have a small house, 2 wind generators, and 2 miners. It costs a pretty penny to keep everyhting running, and until I can make wares worthy of sselling at the bazarr, I have been running surveying missions to keep my quality of life at a constant level.


The latest patch has outright doomed me to lose some or all of my estabilshments. Kor Vella in particular has no mineral deposits I can find outside of the new boundaries set in the surveying quests. At least not for quite a run. I have no fighting skills, and merely running around to find a deposit worth of surveying is quite a dangerous task.


My question to fellow artesians - how do you feel about these changes? Is there any other steady income you have been able to make?


My question to other players - How would you feel if your best source of income was changed / altered to be twice as difficult to make?


I'm looking at this in a calm, outside the box way. Im open to alternatives, I just cant find any with the way the system works today. I did not spend a month of my life to have it all deteriorate away. In the course of a week or so. Please don't view this as a cry for help, but more of a call for question. Do these new game mechanics work?

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I feel ya pain dude...


I am a Weponsmith and well no one really wants to use what you make till you are master...so grinding your way up is a pain in the ass and costs the earth.


Well i am also a combat proffession half way up the carboniere tree.


Well my point is i used to be rich before they Nurfed the combat missions, becuse thats how i used to fund me harvesters, and i have 4 medium minrael and 1 med flora and 1 solor plant and 2 small ones, and 6 other small ones from other people lots i have to fund.


All i can say is you find ways to make cash, It just takes time to work new ways out and also it is worth it in the end, I am finalley starting to sell some guns as i get closer to master....


To be honest the work should be worth it in the end, and you can always find a way :)


Also get some combat skills, if ya wannt to be pure artisian you can drop them later but they will help ya make cash while ya grind :)

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At this time, to be a pure crafter is impossible. I myself am a Tailor/Pistoleer with addition Scouting Skills. You literally need these skills to survive. because no other class offers any type of protection or anything. I would think that artasians would have 'bribe' or 'barter' or even something like maskscent...


Not sure. But I survive now. Anything comes chasing after me, I show them the barrel of my Sliced FWG5.



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Thats one intresting way to put it. People of all trades but artesain can survive on thier own. Even entrtainers and healers(who have no reason to leave the confines of the city.)


Does anyone else feel that a lack of attention was paid to the equality in that?


I think at least they should think about adding to the ammount of skill points given to the artesian trade. 250 may be fine for others, however we need to acend in ranks of skills completley unrelated to our class to survive.

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