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Standing Questions


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Don't call me demanding, but there a questions I still want answers to and I've had no responses so far, so someone give me something here...


1) Bio-Engineer Bio Components not working. I have an outfit that is supposed to to give me +22 to Medicine Use, Injury Treatment, and Wound Treatment, but it I get no bonuses for any of the bonuses.


2) 10+5+5+5+5 = 30. Why am I only getting 30 points of Structure experimentation points at Structure IV? Architect's are getting screwed, and I don't want to hear about this Urban planner crap, cause that's a lame cop-out to something Architects should have just like Weaponsmiths and Armorsmiths.


3) Where are all the bonuses that all combat classes should have. There is no reason to have any of the Marksman Support ablities (or Pistoleer, or Carbineer, or Rifleman). And the fact that we've spent all these points to get them and then have to drop them because they don't work is just mean, boys, it's just mean.


There are about 50 other things to complain about, but these are the things that need to be fixed immediately. Skill bonuses for every class should be the top priority. Make those work and everything else will fall into line.


Ach'leigh Seinnahi

Talus, Bria

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