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zelda 41

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    e w e
  • Current Game
    FFX HD/Persona 3 Portable
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. You have no idea how surprised and delighted I was to find you posting oh my gosh. It's been so long, Mayhem. How have you been? I hope you're doing well

  2. Zelda? Its Mayhem, from looooong ago. I don't know why I wandered into RD, sudden nostalgia I suppose, but I was surprised to see some fairly recent posts from old forumers. Damn, how many years has it been? I no longer have access to my old account so I had to make a new one.


    I suppose I just wanted to say hello.

  3. Oh, don't mind me. Just blowing the dust off your visitor message box, is all.

  4. Think of it this way:


    You're two weeks closer to your next break. :p

  5. I'm just a little peeved about it all! hisgh school sucks! >:V

    Oh, lucky! We've been inschool for two weeks!

  6. Hehe, I still have another week left before I go back. I've got my GCSE's this year, so what you're feeling now will be all year for me. :p


    This whole year will be FAIL. :(

  7. Oh god, I'm down already. Had a cold, so I missed two days of school.

    Badddd on my part, to get sick! D;


    I have at least fifteen pages of makeup work, plus tests, to makeup.

    That I can't get till Monday.


  8. It'll get you down eventually. :p


    EXAMS :xp:


    Yeah, i'm great too. Just got my second Piano exam out of the way.. >_>

  9. I've been good, just started highschool, finally. Enjoying life, lol.

    And youuuu? C:

  10. Ooh, there's a blast from the past. :p


    It's been a while. ^_^ How've you been?

  11. Marius! My friend, we haven't talked in what seems like ages!

  12. Yeah I know what you mean.

  13. Ah, kk.

    I'm still a little iffy about posting, too.

    jmac bombards everything i ever post, with snappy comebacks.

    a tad annoying. :/

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