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Sith Holocron

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Personal Information

  • Biography
    KOTOR Fanatic, member of the M4-78 Enhancement Project (I'm a voice actor in it)
  • Location
    Pasadena, MD(Nar Shaddaa East)
  • Interests
    Telos Restoration Project Server
  • Occupation
    United States Coast Guard
  • Current Game
    The Old Republic
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Tie Fighter
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  1. Hmmm.... has the Deadly Stream userlist been purged again?? It seems that my account has once again been destroyed, which is mildly disturbing as I am still considered (I think I am still) a part of the M4-78RP.


    I can say that Hassat Hunter covered most of the bases. What I do not know about the leaked beta that is out there, is if it is JUST the leaked beta, or if it is the *updated* leaked beta.


    If the person who posted the leaked beta updated it before they put it out there, the mod is hopelessly ruined by a poisoning done by Dashus to put the screws to the leak-lovers out there. I liked that then, and still kinda like it.


    If it is just the plain old leak, then HH covers most of the issues. Honestly, it is impossible to recall what else might have been wrong, as I was testing 9, 10 and 11 before the mod went dead, and to know what was wrong with 8 is just too far back...

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