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Sith Holocron

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Personal Information

  • Biography
    KOTOR Fanatic, member of the M4-78 Enhancement Project (I'm a voice actor in it)
  • Location
    Pasadena, MD(Nar Shaddaa East)
  • Interests
    Telos Restoration Project Server
  • Occupation
    United States Coast Guard
  • Current Game
    The Old Republic
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Tie Fighter
  • Resolution

Sith Holocron's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



Single Status Update

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  1. "I've looked for your name on the Members list and it doesn't seem to be showing up on the rolls of Deadly Stream. That site always seems to have problems, doesn't it? Hopefully it hould be more stable now that he switched to a new server with new PHBB code. You are still a member of the M4-78 Social Group here which is where most of the good stuff is anyway. The most interesting thing at DS for M4-78 was an informal vote of what people think the colors of Vash's and Kaah's lightsabers should be" : Hahahahahahaha!

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