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Sith Holocron

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Personal Information

  • Biography
    KOTOR Fanatic, member of the M4-78 Enhancement Project (I'm a voice actor in it)
  • Location
    Pasadena, MD(Nar Shaddaa East)
  • Interests
    Telos Restoration Project Server
  • Occupation
    United States Coast Guard
  • Current Game
    The Old Republic
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Tie Fighter
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  1. I know there is a kick ass looking droid that I would love to use as the droid who joins you on Mygeeto. However there are some problems with the animations. Last time I checked it had a problem when you just stood still. Rather than just standing around, the droid would continue the running animation but not move any where and if you spawned the droid would spawn with the arms spread straight out. I'm going to talk to Dak or VP about this and see if there is anything that can be done before we cancel the idea using this droid. Just so you know I'm hoping to be able to use the Construction Droid that I believe was cut from the M4-78 planet.


    But as for any animation fixes, I'll more than likely only use them if I need them.

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