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Master Shake

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    kotor 3
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I have to admit something, that avatar is awesome.

  2. Lol yea that's how the saying goes.


    My main beef with Twilight, besides the retarded story, is the shining vampires.



  3. I see we dislike it for different reasons, but as they say: The enemy of Twilight, is my friend:p

  4. It's for weenies!

  5. So, you hate Twilight too eh? Lets talk:sign2:

  6. Wal Mart SUKKKKZ! Besides, you can't get 'em anymore except on ebay.


    Why'd you hafta crash Carl's car? Now I gotta hear him bitch...

  7. I'll buy you one from Wal Mart, it'll even have a clock.

  8. Because you hang out with Carl too much. Damn boston redneck. Yeah, black like smoke stain. :iceburn:


    That radio was my antique 50's radio, dammit! :fist:

  9. Tell me something, does your shake concoction include whiskey?

  10. I was black godammit!


    Even if it was only for a couple of minutes.



  11. Turned black? You turned into an 8 bit video game character after Fry told you not to.


    I'm sure the squidbillies had a good laugh, too. :dev11:

  12. I "borrowed" it that time I turned black.

  13. >_< Wut?


    Where's my radio? I know you took it.

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