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Darth Avlectus

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  • Biography
    Sometimes late at night I stop to think and forget to start again
  • Location
    My pervert mansion
  • Interests
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    Grizzled toilet destroyer.
  • Current Game
    A dirty old man.
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    Whatever I damn well plz
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  1. I haven't even picked a crafting skill yet, so don't know what to tell you atm on that one. I did get your mail, I think it was a higher end TH mission, so binding won't be an issue. As I've got toons on multiple servers now, I was talking about ones on Harb and Covenant. Not sure if I've picked any crafting skills on toons on the others yet. Not quite sure what I'll do on that front, but prob concentrate on making $$ and prob using GTN or asking other people to help out if I get bold enough. In your shoes, given what you told me about the guild, I'd prob just sell stuff for money if I couldn't use it otherwise. I know a guy that said he quit a guild b/c the officers seemed to take advantage of the bank and he felt he got much less from it than he put into it. Even on Harb I never really used the crafting much till he got >50, and mostly for augments and kits.

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