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Chevron 7 locke

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  1. Yup, I am. We got sick of DS9.


    I dunno, I liked Voyager, even before the Borg got there. Maybe it was Janeway. She's just such a good captain! Kes was okay in some episodes, but she got really annoying there near the end of season 3. Neelix is definitely better without his whole jealosy thing. I like that Tom and B'elana (probably spelled that wrong :lol:) like each other now. And Harry finally got freaked out enough by the object of his latest crush that he might be over his adolescent hormonal crisis (thank goodness! :xp:)


    Seven is just an awesome character. With The Raven she actually made an emo episode that I really, truly liked. And she's smart, brutally frank, can break someone's arm with no trouble whatsoever, and she actually said, "Logic is irrelevant"! That's one way to tick off Tuvok. :lol:


    But...yea. I like Voyager. :) Much better than DS9.

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