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  • Occupation
  • Current Game
    CoD 5 WaW; Skate 2
  • Web Browser
    AOL 9.1, and IE
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    KotOR series
  • Resolution

Rev7's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Where are you, bromigo?

  2. M@RS

    Hey Rev. :] How've you been lately?

  3. Whar are you, then?

  4. Rev7

    Well it all adds up....still in school for 180 days...

  5. M@RS

    You did? Lucky, I started in August...

  6. Rev7

    Fall Break already? Wow...But then again I did just start school in September...

  7. M@RS

    I'm pretty good. Just going through school, enjoying Fall Break atm. :p

  8. Rev7

    Hey man, hows it goin'?!


    Yeah, I have been away for quite some time...I think probably about four or five months....anyways I have/am doing well. Lots of homework since school started...but I have been good. How about yourself?

  9. Yeah it sure can be. I need to start savin' up some money myself....


    Hmmm, I would definately read that story. Sion is a pretty cool character that we really don't know all that much about, so I think that it would be a pretty interesting story...


    Well happy early birthday to you! Its good to hear that you are doing well...

  10. Hard. But that's how life is. I was able to save up some money. Now just to organize. Hafta let go of stuff which is kinda difficult. I'm writing a fanfic bout Sion's background but it's going rather slow and I'm looking to start my moddiong career after that. Had my LF birthday which means I'm 106 (whoooo). IRL I'm actually about to turn 25, but I like having my long livedness like a wookiee. :lol: Besides, I always wanted it to be nice and sunny, not wet and crappy. ;)

  11. M@RS

    Hi Rev. :] It's been awhile. How are you?

  12. I have been gone for a while...

  13. Hey man! How life been to you?


    It seems like I have been gone for a long time lol....well I guess I have. Just needed a break I guess...and since school has started I have been really busy.

  14. I kind of am wondering where the heck you've been for 16 days.



  15. Could you please go to the thread in the Senate and tell Totenkopf he's an ass?


    Thanks in advance :)



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