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    CoD 5 WaW; Skate 2
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    AOL 9.1, and IE
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    KotOR series
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  1. Yeah, I definately agree that talking with the opposite sex is much easier than asking them out, fear of rejection indeed:( However, one cannot learn if it's not done, so might as well jump forward head first...and pary that you don't hit a rock:D At least, that's my idea of it...somewhat:D I'm sure you'll ask the right person...ooh! Or even better, you could group together with some of your friends, and ask as a group to whoever they want to take with them, and go to the dance as a group, that is probably less awkard, and more fun...but eh, I have yet to try that, I'm pretty sure that works, but then again, not exactly my line of expertise, heh:D


    Track is indeed a good sport to work with, has all the fun and healthy stuff in it...two thumbs up!:D Shotput is also great fun indeed, just throw the thing in the right direction...I have too many nightmares of the little...umm..misses and such:D

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