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    Lost in the Rain forest on Yav
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  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    jedi knight,jedi outcast
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  1. have you tried contacting him through email?who is it exactly?he might be on the void forums or do you know buffy?she might know who it is.i think she was the person who gave the version your using but it was for jka.the rules for posting over at jkfiles are a little strict on not getting permission,to use the model from the person who used it.i guess what you can do is keep trying to get in touch with the author,butinclude the read me that came with the model,and state in your read me that you did contact the author.but he never surfaced and you are includind his readme and thank him for making the model.

    even with this approach you might still have some problems with the folks over at jkfiles,

    recently,someone posted a file but the person never thanked the original maker ,he took it and reskined it and they took it down,the author found about it and was angry.

    thanks for the well wishes.

    let me know who it is the author,like i said i tink its the same guy who did the kyle but you have it for jo right?

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