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    I regard knowledge as potential energy. It is power, but one must recognize that power is only a means and not an end.
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  1. I don't really believe in fate, as such, just that there is something (not a god... no) that presents us with 'signs' or certain paths, but at the end of the day, it's all down to our decisions to choose the right thing. I don't leave everything down to 'fate', though. If I believe something to be right, I'll go ahead with it, and if it's wrong, I'll learn from it, but if it's right, I'll come away happy. Either way, I benefit.


    I've never really looked up to anyone, because I figure that I'd rather mould myself into the person I want to be, rather than use the example of someone else. Most people look up to 'fashion designers' or 'actors' who are rich and famous, which I never really understood, to be fair. Though, the fact that you've picked heroes like those, is a good thing. I wish I did have someone to look up to, sometimes, but I've always been the older sister, the one who gives advice, and the one with 'different' ambition, so I can't really compromise lol.


    When I was young, I'm not sure why, but I thought that I could change the world and make it a better place, or something. It's strange because when I thought this, I realised I had a gift, if you will, in writing, and decided not to ignore it. I thought that was a sign - it was during my mock SATs (exams) when I was 10, and the teacher said it was a great piece, and others should use it as an example for the actual exams. I want to make a difference still, and I believe that writing my way to it, is my 'purpose'. All sounds very cheesy and cliche, but I believe it lol


    You look up to me? I've never really had someone tell me that before. Though I'm flattered lol

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