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    I regard knowledge as potential energy. It is power, but one must recognize that power is only a means and not an end.
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  1. Yeah, it's very difficult to get a job these days. Even some people with degrees and whatnot can't get the one they want, or even get a job that pays good. I feel sorry for people like that - working all their childhood just to get nothing. I suppose I'd rather enjoy myself before it came to that, whilst still working to attain the highest grades.


    I think that's what the problem is... they don't really care about who they're employing. It's just their best interest... "do they look sensible?" "are their grades high?" "do they have a clear voice?" it's like... okay, they're important, but it doesn't mean you can refuse someone a MINIMUM WAGE job because of them. Bah.


    I was a waitress in my old job. But I wasn't at an ordinary restaurant - you had to book in advance for parties and such. I was clumsy, and even though I got on with the staff there (all round about my age) they were all really stereotypical yobs! One was a 16 year old girl and she'd been knocked up by a 25 year old! :eyepop and another guy had stolen a car, gotten put in prison for a week, and came out bragging about it.


    lol. At least there was always a story to listen to.

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