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    I regard knowledge as potential energy. It is power, but one must recognize that power is only a means and not an end.
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  1. Well, it is definately good to know that I am not alone!


    At this airshow that I went to earlier last month there was also a F-15 demo. I would almost like to say that the F-15 and F-22 demos took the show from the Blue Angels! The Blue Angels put on a really good show, but I was amazed by what these fighters can do! The F-15 is one of my all-time favorite fighters.


    The F-35 is less expensive as well, which means there is the potential that more could be made. I think that the F-35 had a lot of potential. I was watching the discovery channel one evening several years ago and my mouth was wide open. I believe that that aircraft will have a great future, and I can't wait until it comes into service.


    I think that the B2 is becoming out-dated. Sorry, it is cool and all but there are other cheaper capable aircraft out there to do the job. I think that it is useless paying that much money for something that hardly ever gets used. The only awesome feature that it has is that it can fly 6,000+ miles without refueling. It is good that we have some (21) though. I prefer the B-1B Lancer over the B-2 anyday. ;)


    With thrust vectoring technology applied to 4th generation fighters would give them capabilities much like the F-22. You don't always need stealth.

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