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    I regard knowledge as potential energy. It is power, but one must recognize that power is only a means and not an end.
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  1. Well like I said, you can strive to perfect yourself, but it'll never come true. Everyone has different outlooks on life - some live to be like you said, some live for fun, some live for work. Some just live.


    Guilt is a horrible emotion, and whilst I admit that if a person never feels it, they're heartless, I would also never wish it upon someone who's living the life they want. I've been dragged down into guilt so many times, I don't even want to see the word.


    People will always strive to get rid of flaws... because no one likes living with a flaw. But some peoples perceptions become clouded... and being vain is a good thing to them. Being cruel is a good thing to them... and that's where personality disorders can come in - if it's extreme enough.


    They say 4/5 people have a form of abnormality (or psychopathology). It scares me when I look back and remember year when I was 12, 13, 14 and part of 15 I think I definitely had a form of depression. Nothing else explains never wanting to go out, feeling guilty, crying all the time, feeling sorry for myself/blaming everyone, being scared of socialising.

    Yeah that was me not too long ago. So excuse me, honestly, when I say I love how I am now, because overcoming that on my own was the most difficult thing ever.

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