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    Student, working to be a Psychologist so that I can start to make a difference to peoples lives. :) I'm quirky, a bit of an air-head and very complex, yet somehow I'm intelligent and creative. :]
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  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    KOTOR 1&2
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  1. Yeah its Cambrigde the univerity. I consider myself at the most slightly above average, intellignace-wise...I just know how to tweak the system and get the most out of it. I get decent grades because I moniter what the teacher stresses on the first couple of quizes, and then I just learn what is likely to be on the next one.


    But yeah that 1st week I didn´t use the internet at all :eyepop it was hard let me tell you. But as for being smart - the other kids on this trip completed like spanish 10 or some crazy number like that an here I am with my spanish 2 :xp: Oh an I´m about to die from all this spanish let me tell you :D


    Yeah I think England will be more my cup of tea (no stereotype/ pun intended :) ) Oh yes I think Aruil fighting was my favorite part of writing that chapter, - should be up in a few days.



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