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  • Biography
    Student, working to be a Psychologist so that I can start to make a difference to peoples lives. :) I'm quirky, a bit of an air-head and very complex, yet somehow I'm intelligent and creative. :]
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  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    KOTOR 1&2
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  1. Haha at least your invisible. Many of my teachers openly dislike me: maybe cause I don´t pay attention, or argue with them when they are wrong. (even though a 90 is an A not a B at my school but whatever, I won in the end)

    The only teacher that has any right to dislike me is my chem teacher, as I brought a fart machine to his class. It was a little speaker with a remote. The button on the remote got stuck so it kept going for 10 minutes straight. :xp: Funnily enough he likes me (though he never found out it was me with the machine. :D)


    Honestly I drink loads of tea myself, despite America being a coffee nation.


    One day I´ll sit in this cafe for five hours if I have to, to get it up. (I´m a veryslow typer, plus I always think of new stuff to add as I type...don´t know why...) It´ll probably be up sunday. I´m still adding more to the chapter, but I think its too long. Might split it in two. Aruil fighting will definitley be in the next chapter though. I´ll be back in the states on August 16th with a computer that isn´t as slow as a snail, and I´ll have plenty of updates for TFP.



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