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    Student, working to be a Psychologist so that I can start to make a difference to peoples lives. :) I'm quirky, a bit of an air-head and very complex, yet somehow I'm intelligent and creative. :]
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    KOTOR 1&2
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  1. Since this is a question regarding our characters alone, I'm speaking about K3 here.


    I see two possible outcomes for the Bao-Dur/Yuthura introduction. An easy, but fairly cut-and-dry option could be that Bao confronted Yuthura and was taken prisoner. She couldn't let him go, but she couldn't just murder him.


    The other option is to have a more elaborate conflict where all three (Alayna, Bao, and Yuthura) are all conflicting with each other. If Bao-Dur is caught on one of the freighters that Yuthura planted a bomb on, Alayna would have to convince Yuthura to help her while Bao-Dur would have to be the one to save the ship he's on... All Yuthura can do is tell him exactly what he needs to do after the bombs explode and the ship is crippled. Just an example.


    In the end, Yuthura is convinced that the Hutts' shipments are the only way to save Telos, so she reluctantly ceases her activities on Sleheyron. Alayna would have to be the one who convinces her to let go of her revenge against the hutts for a greater good... and Yuthura also sees that the restoration of the jedi may be more significant than her activities on Sleheyron.



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