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    Student, working to be a Psychologist so that I can start to make a difference to peoples lives. :) I'm quirky, a bit of an air-head and very complex, yet somehow I'm intelligent and creative. :]
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    KOTOR 1&2
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  1. Oh no! I'm not saying anything is wrong with girls. Actually, I find it amusing that the man is supposed to be the "stronger" gender, but on the genetic level...they aren't. A girl, for example, is an X-X chromosone combination. A boy is an X-Y combo. But, when you look at the difference between the X and Y chromosones, the Y is a cut-down version of the X. It's not really different, just only part of the X, the most basic components required to finish the genetic chain. Hmmmm.......;)


    And personally, I'd prefer a girl first, and if we have 2 kids, try for a boy. But 2 girls is just fine. :D


    I know, from experience, that wars are far more complex than what you said. Political reasons, economic reasons, defending the weak...all are reasons that wars are started. For example, the last "war" in the desert, Desert Storm/Desert Eagle. That was started because Sadam Hussain invaided Kuwait, and it looked like he was going to go after Saudi Arabia next. He was a despot dictator with no concern for human life. Yet, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia were some of our highest importers of oil. So, what was the real reason we went in? Depending on who you ask, it's one, the other, or a mix of both. All I know is, both of my mother's brothers served. The same deal is with the current war. It started because of the attack on the Twin Towers. We finally declared victory, and had a decromatic government installed in Iraq, but are still there because of the continued assault against the people and new government by the zealots and fundamentalists of the opposing Islamic sect. If we pulled out now, the current government would most likely fall within the next 2-3 years, if that long. I don't want to be there, but if we abandon them, they'll be killed off. But, if you talk to other people, the only reason America is still there is because of the oil.


    Another issue is the Israel/Palastine conflict. Palastine is in the wrong for the continued attempt at religious genocide of Israel, and the Israelies are getting ready to fight back with the full force of their military. I feel, as a person, that they should have some backing, since they are simply defending themselves.


    I agree with you, Burnseyy. I wish the world didn't need militaries, that we could get over ourselves and stop all these wars. But, unless something REALLY big happens, there will always be people with no morals, little care for human life, and a lust for power, and these people will continue causing problems for a long time, really big problems if they get into power. As long as there is a leader of a country out there, who thinks they have the right to eradicate one kind of people or another, I'm willing to serve my country, to put my life on the line to protect my people, and anyone else who asks for my help. *shrugs softly* And I'm not trying to say everyone needs to follow my mindset, either, or trying to push my views onto you. But, I do want you to understand where I come from, just a little. :)

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