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    Student, working to be a Psychologist so that I can start to make a difference to peoples lives. :) I'm quirky, a bit of an air-head and very complex, yet somehow I'm intelligent and creative. :]
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  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    KOTOR 1&2
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  1. Well, I don't want to ruin it for you. ;) BUT....and this goes back to the psychology courses I've taken, and case studies of amnesiacs...Revan's going to be dark-side inclined from the get go, but it won't be manifested as "Blah, I'm evilz0rz! ph34r me! I pwn u nowz!!!!1" right off the bat, but more of a gradual regression from "loyal republic soldier" to his old self as the game progresses. Little things that feel right or wrong, nagging thoughts in the back of his skull, minor premonitions. Things that will push him one way or the other. However, after playing The Sith Lords for a bit, I'm going to make his "evil" a little more....recognizable. ;) And that's all I'm saying on THAT matter. :p


    I just wish I had a readable version of the decompiled script, with all the dialog trees. Then I wouldn't need to play the game for all the conversations. Do you know where one might be?

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