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    Student, working to be a Psychologist so that I can start to make a difference to peoples lives. :) I'm quirky, a bit of an air-head and very complex, yet somehow I'm intelligent and creative. :]
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    KOTOR 1&2
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  1. If you let it get to you, yeah, taking psychology can skew your view on things.


    And your ex was only partially correct. There are people out there who don't think of themselves as individuals, but as a concept. They do date people, thinking "how will he be as a father/she be as a mother", seeing not the person, but the possible group in the future. Here in the US, because the divorce rate is so high, it's been twisted slightly to "how will they be paying my alimony". *shakes head* But then, these people usually have some for of self-esteem/identity issues anyways. They don't realize, they can be happy on their own.


    I feel, personally, that I did nothing but benifit from the courses I took. I can see how certain people dress, act, talk, and interact with other people, and start identifying with them, learning their little pet peeves and quirks, and quickly determine if I can be their friend or not. Now, I'm a severe introvert, so that's kind of important to me. ;) Here online, it's not as bad, but that's mainly due to a certain level of protection the net provides, by you being where you are, and me being here. There's no face-to-face. So, I feel more relaxed, let my walls down, and can talk to people. :D


    Just the little I've gathered from talking to you, I think you'll do the same with psychology courses that I did, that all they will do is expand your perception on people, rather than just outright change it.


    Honestly, my Revan story came about because of my education. ;) I know everyone, no matter how good they are, have a darkness about them. Everyone has little urges. Pretty much, everyone has the capability, in the deepest, most primal part of their mind, to be a sociopath. It's just how much they let themselves do it. So, I created a second "me" in my mind, analyzed and removed certain inhibitors from this other me, put it in Revan's shoes, and asked, "how would I react to this?", and there was a story. :D Because of my knowlege, when I was done, the other persona was scrapped, and the story was good readings....if you didn't have tomatos. ;)


    But then, when I took drama in high school, I was a method actor, and when on stage, people only saw my character, instead of me.

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