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Personal Information

  • Biography
    Uh...Er... Nvm...
  • Location
  • Interests
    Playing on computer, learning how to mod, playing soccer, hanging around with the hommies, listening music, playing box, singing at the guitar
  • Occupation
    None, can't you tell ?
  • Web Browser
    Mozilla Firefox
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
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TheExile's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Very! I'll do so ;)

  2. What do you expect when you look at the most recent replies?! What do you think we're discussing... the weather?


    I'm glad to know you're reading my fic and I'm sorry you've received a spoiler, but it wasn't because of me. You have to realize that the most recent feedbacks are directly related to the story. If I could hide spoilers, I will, but you have to accept that there will be spoilers in the feedbacks... and they are in response to the most recent chapters. If you don't want a spoiler, then don't read the most recent replies. Is that unreasonable?

  3. Uh OK that figures out O_o'

  4. haha I dont remember having a favourite character either.

    the old guy was hilarious.

  5. ....No. I'm not 56 :D


    It's my favorite author, Orson Scott Card.



  6. EW is that you in the avatar???

  7. Hm... I don't think I had a fav... Well if I had one that one would've been Goku!

    He pwnpwns!!!

    Also the old sensei man was loads of fun :D!!!

  8. wow really?!

    That's such a coincidence lol

    I used to adore Dragonball z, and drawing, so... it made sense!


    :) Who was your favourite character? :p

  9. I read that you started drawing at 5 on DGZ...

    Well that's the exact same age and theme I started drawing lol...

  10. sure thing. :D - happy to help!

  11. slang? :lol: alright then. this is gonna feel weird typing..


    mint = good

    class = good

    rank = disgusting

    sick = cool

    buzzin' = good

    'angin' = disgusting


    cant think of anymore off the top of my head.


    Atton? I think he's annoying lol. he's very self infatuated and is out for himself (unless it comes to the exile!)

    but he's got a strong head and probably strong will.

  12. Well, you could talk to Yuthura, and answer to this later...


    Answer: Yes, I do want to learn more 'slang' expressions...

    And if you have time, I would like you to make a short description of Atton as you see him...

    It's for my fic ^^

  13. you mean you want to know more slang words?

  14. I get it...

    I use those kind of words when I talk in english with a friend at home...

    Is there any kind of synonym list for slang words, cause I wanna know more then I do!!!

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