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  • Biography
    31 years old, happily married, have a beautiful 3 year old boy.
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  • Interests
    Star Wars, RPGs
  • Occupation
    Active Duty Air Force
  • Current Game
    The Old Republic....what else?
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Day of the Tentacle, Knights of the Old Republic, The Sith Lords. :D
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  1. I think it's great that that sort of thing was stopped! If they hadn't, who knows what wouldve happened? It's so ridiculous how people think that way. Do you know WHY they wanted to attack them? Blah. Good on you for a job well done.


    No wars are popular, but guys seem to think it's just all shooting and adventure. At least most of the guys I've ever known. If those sort of people go into a war, it's not going end very well!


    I guess it's because of reckless people that wars exist. I don't blame the troops, because they are just following orders. But why there are still people around who want to kill for religious reasons, or for no reason at all, annoys me. And I have no sympathy for leaders, like George Bush. Not because its popular to hate him, but he's reckless. Or so I've heard, anyway.

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