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  • Biography
    31 years old, happily married, have a beautiful 3 year old boy.
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  • Interests
    Star Wars, RPGs
  • Occupation
    Active Duty Air Force
  • Current Game
    The Old Republic....what else?
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Day of the Tentacle, Knights of the Old Republic, The Sith Lords. :D
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  1. I guess it's true that, once you've lived for so long, you get tired of having to pay attention, so you just... ignore it. I can't see myself getting like that, but of course I can say that - I'm 16. Who knows what I'll turn out like?


    So she just... ignored the construction sight, drove into it and almost killed herself? >_> and then blamed the workers? I hope she didn't win any claims! I suppose if it was difficult to see, then it would be forgivable, but if it wasn't, which I bet it was, then she had no right to complain.


    Certain things change people - perhaps being in your line of work, things might not pan out the way you'd planned, but you've always got a choice, right? ;) that's what I don't get about some people. They say 'life has changed them' so they can't help but be racist, be antisocial (mannerisms) etc. but I've grown up in a pretty rough age, in a veery racist family, and I'm probably one of the most accepting people around :xp: of course, I can't accept thoughtless murders, but that's a whole new subject.

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