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  • Biography
    31 years old, happily married, have a beautiful 3 year old boy.
  • Location
  • Interests
    Star Wars, RPGs
  • Occupation
    Active Duty Air Force
  • Current Game
    The Old Republic....what else?
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Day of the Tentacle, Knights of the Old Republic, The Sith Lords. :D
  • Height in cm

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  1. Haha, if I get on the news, it'll probably be for sleep walking after a drunken night and digging a hole in some random person's back garden. Now that would be entertainment for the nation.


    People who listen to peoples opinions and make it their own without a second thought, anger me. People who give up, sadden me, and people who have done both of these and don't even realise it, confuse me! Also, people who think the world is about to end, because they've lost their boyfriend at the age of 13 make me laugh, but... let's not get into that :D


    I see you're the type to try and change things too, since you instinctively broke from routines, to travelling the world, and saving lives. :) what people don't realise is that, there are far more ways to make a difference than first meets the eye. I plan to make a difference to the world one day, that's just a hope, but whether it happens or not all boils down to hard work and dedication. Not mindlessly falling into routine.


    This job, Birthdays, I'm going for an interview in apparently only gives minimum wage. And even though it's ridiculous, it's my only option atm. Better than nothing, but god, £3.53 is so bad.

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