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  • Biography
    31 years old, happily married, have a beautiful 3 year old boy.
  • Location
  • Interests
    Star Wars, RPGs
  • Occupation
    Active Duty Air Force
  • Current Game
    The Old Republic....what else?
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Day of the Tentacle, Knights of the Old Republic, The Sith Lords. :D
  • Height in cm

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  1. Yeah, that's right! My rooms not filthy; if theres food in my room, like tea I've just eaten or snacks, they're thrown away asap. But I know where everything is, so I rarely lose things in my room. Now, my parents can't seem to understand that if they move my stuff and "tidy up" I lose things, and it makes me frustrated. They just think I'm being lazy and messy, but I'm not! Okay, maybe sometimes.


    My books, paper & stories go beside my bed, my games go beside my xbox, and everything else goes on my book case, which is a mess. But I've organised it a certain way, so everything isn't falling out, and my more important things go on top. ^^

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